Vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love. - Brené Brown
In one of my classes, we watched this TED talk by Brené Brown and it really caused me to think about vulnerability. Am I comfortable being vulnerable? Who am I comfortable being vulnerable with? Do I keep secrets from others?
These questions weighed on my mind for a few days.
I was already trying to be vulnerable about my anxiety, but there were plenty of other things that I didn't like talking about other people with. That's when I got a call from a friend who had read a few posts from this blog. They told me about the struggles that they were facing and I felt comfortable telling them about my struggles. The feeling I had afterward was liberating. I never thought that being vulnerable with someone could bring any other feelings besides shame and embarrassment.
I don't think that we all need to go around telling everyone about all your problems, but I think it is healthy to have trusted friends that you can be vulnerable with. I also really think that as families are vulnerable about the struggles they face within the family unit, even if they are difficult subjects to bring up. This can take time and it isn't easy, but in the end, the more support we have through our trials, the better.
I think that is the main purpose of the commission to "mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort" (Mosiah 18:9, The Book of Mormon). I also think that I would personally add that we should also rejoice with those that rejoice.
Here is the link to the TED talk, it's really great!
I'll be posting about my experiences with anxiety next - the real nitty-gritty stuff.
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